Navigating Spiritual Practice, Metaphysical Booby Traps and Rugged Individualism with Brian Akers

Rev. Brian Akers is the Senior Minister of Oneness Center for Spiritual Living in Columbia, Maryland. Rev. Brian Akers has been serving in ministry for over 5 years and is committed to spiritual leadership, community involvement and inclusion. Listen in on our conversation about Navigating Spiritual Practice, Metaphysical Booby Traps and Rugged Individualism.


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As the Senior. Minister of Oneness CSL in Columbia, Maryland Rev. Brian Akers has been serving in ministry for over 5 years and has been a Religious Scientist since the age of 12. In that time he has served in leadership with several Science of Mind organizations and is considered a local community leader his home of Howard County, Maryland.


Conversation Topics:

  • 3:23:34 - First teen group experience.

  • 7:36 - Young adulthood leadership.

  • 9:11 - Willing to fail.

  • 11:30 - The practical application of spiritual practice.

  • 13:30 - Creative thought inspires creative action.

  • 14:55 - Metaphysical booby traps and rugged individualism.

  • 21:55 - Feeling vulnerable then empowered.

  • 26:17 - Modeling spiritual growth.

  • 27:22 - Being in service to the local community and opportunities to have a seat at the table.

  • 36:18 - Inspiring people to get involved and engaged through a focus of collaborative effort.

  • 39:02 - Creating time, space and creative ways for spiritual practice.

  • 44:00 - Clarity around religiosity.

  • 49:03 - The best way to serve your community is to be curious.

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Brian Akers

“The best way to serve your community is to be curious.”


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About Marie Kirkland

As a spiritual leader, speaker and coach, Marie shares her voice to inspire and empower people to lean into the life they dream about and take action to create it by living aligned and forward through practical spirituality.


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